"Duckhee" Acrylic Cube, 8.5x8.5x8.5 inches, I, thinking and feeling my mother, envisioned a cube and indeed a fuchsia/magenta one. Then it came to me that the concept of God as a protector and creative force has always been expressed as a cube. Jerusalem and the Kaaba are two examples among many others. The cube symbolized order, protection, and continuity in the sea of chaos upon which, on a small spot, god's cubical throne was placed. The color fuchsia/magenta stands for bravery and confidence and this sign symbolizes her. I see my own color as black which is inherently the polar opposite of how I see my mother Duckhee.
Multiple Personality, Multiple Intelligence and Multiple Whatever, 365 - 12x12 inches, Oil on Canvas
MMM Detalis
MMM Details
MMM Details
University Garden Mural 1
University Garden Mural 2
University Murals 1
University Murals 2
Value Scale, 25 - 10x10 inches, Acrylic on Board
Word forced upon Skin and Color Forced upon Meaning, Acrylic on Canvas, 4 - 5x5 inches, 39 - 10x10 inches
Red Line, Resin and Fiber Glass on Board, 2 - 36x36 inches
Watercolor on Paper, 6x10 inches